If You Dont Marry Him Your Mother Will Never Speak to Your Again

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Vol I


Chapter Xix (19)

THE Adjacent DAY opened a new scene at Longbourn. Mr. Collins fabricated his declaration in form. Having resolved to do it without loss of time, as his leave of absence extended only to the following Sat, and having no feelings of diffidence to go far lamentable to himself even at the moment, he set well-nigh it in a very orderly manner, with all the observances which he supposed a regular part of the business. On finding Mrs. Bennet, Elizabeth, and one of the younger girls together soon subsequently breakfast, he addressed the mother in these words,
  "May I hope, Madam, for your interest with your off-white daughter Elizabeth, when I solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning?"
  Before Elizabeth had time for any affair but a chroma of surprise, Mrs. Bennet instantly answered,
  "Oh dear!  - Yes  - certainly.  - I am certain Lizzy will be very happy  - I am certain she can have no objection.  - Come, Kitty, I want you lot upwards stairs." And gathering her work together, she was hastening abroad, when Elizabeth called out,
  "Beloved Ma'am, do not get.  - I beg you will not get.  - Mr. Collins must excuse me.  - He tin can have nothing to say to me that any torso need not hear. I am going away myself."
  "No, no, nonsense, Lizzy.  - I want you will stay where yous are."  - And upon Elizabeth's seeming really, with vexed and embarrassed looks, virtually to escape, she added, "Lizzy, I insist  upon your staying and hearing Mr. Collins."
  Elizabeth would non oppose such an injunction  - and a moment'southward consideration making her also sensible that it would exist wisest to get it over as soon and as quietly as possible, she sat down again, and tried to conceal past incessant employment the feelings which were divided betwixt distress and diversion. Mrs. Bennet and Kitty walked off, and every bit soon as they were gone Mr. Collins began.
  "Believe me, my dear Miss Elizabeth, that your modesty, so far from doing you any disservice, rather adds to your other perfections. You would accept been less amiable in my eyes had there non been this picayune unwillingness; but allow me to assure you that I have your respected female parent'southward permission for this accost. Yous can hardly doubt the purport of my discourse, however your natural delicacy may pb you to dissemble; my attentions have been too marked to be mistaken. Most as soon as I entered the house I singled you lot out as the companion of my hereafter life. But before I am run abroad with by my feelings on this subject, maybe it will be advisable for me to country my reasons for marrying  - and moreover for coming into Hertfordshire with the design of selecting a married woman, as I certainly did."
  The idea of Mr. Collins, with all his solemn composure, being run away with by his feelings, made Elizabeth so near laughing that she could not use the curt pause he allowed in whatsoever endeavor to stop him farther, and he continued:
  "My reasons for marrying are, offset, that I think it a right thing for every clergyman in like shooting fish in a barrel circumstances (like myself) to set the example of matrimony in his parish. Secondly, that I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness; and thirdly  - which peradventure I ought to have mentioned earlier, that it is the detail advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom I have the honour of calling patroness. Twice has she condescended to give me her opinion (unasked too!) on this subject; and information technology was merely the very Sabbatum night before I left Hunsford  - between our pools at quadrille, while Mrs. Jenkinson was arranging Miss de Bourgh'southward human foot-stool, that she said, "Mr. Collins, you must marry. A clergyman like you must marry.  - Chuse properly, chuse a gentlewoman for my  sake; and for your own,  let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, just able to make a small income go a proficient mode. This is my advice. Find such a woman as shortly as you tin can, bring her to Hunsford, and I will visit her." Allow me, by the way, to observe, my fair cousin, that I do not reckon the detect and kindness of Lady Catherine de Bourgh as among the least of the advantages in my power to offer. Yous will find her manners beyond any thing I can describe; and your wit and vivacity I call up must exist acceptable to her, especially when tempered with the silence and respect which her rank will inevitably excite. Thus much for my general intention in favour of matrimony; information technology remains to be told why my views were directed to Longbourn instead of my own neighbourhood, where I assure you there are many amiable young women. Just the fact is, that being, as I am, to inherit this estate after the death of your honoured father (who, however, may live many years longer), I could not satisfy myself without resolving to chuse a married woman from among his daughters, that the loss to them might exist as little as possible, when the melancholy consequence takes place  - which, nonetheless, equally I have already said, may not be for several years. This has been my motive, my fair cousin, and I flatter myself it volition not sink me in your esteem. And at present nothing remains for me merely to assure you in the nigh animated language of the violence of my affection. To fortune I am perfectly indifferent, and shall make no demand of that nature on your begetter, since I am well aware that information technology could not be complied with; and that chiliad pounds in the 4 per cents, which will not be yours till later your mother'south death, is all that you may ever be entitled to. On that head, therefore, I shall exist uniformly silent; and you may assure yourself that no ungenerous reproach shall ever pass my lips when we are married."
  It was absolutely necessary to interrupt him at present.
  "Yous are too hasty, Sir," she cried. "You forget that I have made no answer. Let me exercise it without farther loss of fourth dimension. Accept my thank you for the compliment you are paying me, I am very sensible of the honor of your proposals, merely it is impossible for me to do otherwise than decline them."
  "I am not now to learn," replied Mr. Collins, with a formal wave of the hand, "that it is usual with young ladies to turn down the addresses of the man whom they secretly hateful to accept, when he first applies for their favour; and that sometimes the refusal is repeated a 2nd or even a third time. I am therefore by no means discouraged by what you have but said, and shall hope to lead you to the chantry ere long."
  "Upon my discussion, Sir," cried Elizabeth, "your hope is rather an extraordinary one afterward my proclamation. I do assure you lot that I am non one of those young ladies (if such immature ladies in that location are) who are and so daring equally to risk their happiness on the take chances of beingness asked a second time. I am perfectly serious in my refusal.  - You could not make me  happy, and I am convinced that I am the final woman in the world who would make y'all  and so,  - Nay, were your friend Lady Catherine to know me, I am persuaded she would find me in every respect ill qualified for the situation."
  "Were it certain that Lady Catherine would think then," said Mr. Collins very gravely  - "but I cannot imagine that her ladyship would at all disapprove of you. And you lot may be sure that when I have the accolade of seeing her again I shall speak in the highest terms of your modesty, economy, and other amiable qualifications."
  "Indeed, Mr. Collins, all praise of me will exist unnecessary. You lot must requite me leave to estimate for myself, and pay me the compliment of assertive what I say. I wish y'all very happy and very rich, and by refusing your hand, do all in my ability to prevent your being otherwise. In making me the offering, you must have satisfied the effeminateness of your feelings with regard to my family, and may take possession of Longbourn estate whenever it falls, without any cocky-reproach. This matter may be considered, therefore, as finally settled." And rising equally she thus spoke, she would have quitted the room, had not Mr. Collins thus addressed her,
  "When I do myself the laurels of speaking to y'all next on this subject I shall hope to receive a more than favourable answer than you have at present given me; though I am far from accusing you of cruelty at present, because I know information technology to be the established custom of your sex activity to reject a man on the get-go application, and perhaps yous take even now said as much to encourage my suit as would exist consequent with the true delicacy of the female character."
  "Really, Mr. Collins," cried Elizabeth with some warmth, "y'all puzzle me exceedingly. If what I accept hitherto said tin announced to you in the grade of encouragement, I know not how to express my refusal in such a way as may convince you of its beingness one."
  "You must give me exit to flatter myself, my love cousin, that your refusal of my addresses is only words of course. My reasons for believing information technology are briefly these:  - It does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your credence, or that the establishment I can offer would be whatever other than highly desirable. My situation in life, my connections with the family of De Bourgh, and my relationship to your own, are circumstances highly in its favor; and you should take information technology into further consideration that in spite of your manifold attractions, it is by no ways certain that another offering of marriage may ever be made yous. Your portion is unhappily so small that it volition in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and amiable qualifications. As I must therefore conclude that you lot are not serious in your rejection of me, I shall chuse to aspect it to your wish of increasing my love by suspense, co-ordinate to the usual practice of elegant females."
  "I do clinch yous, Sir, that I accept no pretension whatever to that kind of elegance which consists in tormenting a respectable human being. I would rather be paid the compliment of beingness believed sincere. I cheers once again and again for the honour y'all accept done me in your proposals, but to accept them is admittedly impossible. My feelings in every respect forestall it. Can I speak plainer? Do not consider me now as an elegant female intending to plague you lot, just as a rational fauna speaking the truth from her middle."
  "Y'all are uniformly charming!" cried he, with an air of awkward gallantry; "and I am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents, my proposals volition not fail of being acceptable."
  To such perseverance in wilful self-deception, Elizabeth would brand no reply, and immediately and in silence withdrew; determined, that if he persisted in because her repeated refusals as flattering encouragement, to apply to her father, whose negative might be uttered in such a manner every bit must be decisive, and whose behaviour at least could non be mistaken for the arrayal and coquetry of an elegant female.

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Vol I


Chapter XX (xx)

MR. COLLINS WAS NOT left long to the silent contemplation of his successful honey; for Mrs. Bennet, having dawdled nearly in the vestibule to sentry for the end of the briefing, no sooner saw Elizabeth open up the door and with quick footstep pass her towards the staircase, than she entered the breakfast room, and congratulated both him and herself in warm terms on the happy prospect of their nearer connection. Mr. Collins received and returned these felicitations with equal pleasure, and and so proceeded to chronicle the particulars of their interview, with the consequence of which he trusted he had every reason to be satisfied, since the refusal which his cousin had stedfastly given him would naturally catamenia from her inconversable modesty and the genuine delicacy of her grapheme.
  This information, even so, startled Mrs. Bennet;  - she would accept been glad to exist equally satisfied that her daughter had meant to encourage him by protesting against his proposals, simply she dared not to believe information technology, and could not help saying so.
  "Simply depend upon it, Mr. Collins," she added, "that Lizzy shall exist brought to reason. I will speak to her well-nigh it myself direct. She is a very headstrong foolish daughter, and does not know her own involvement; but I will brand  her know it."
  "Pardon me for interrupting yous, Madam," cried Mr. Collins; "but if she is actually headstrong and foolish, I know not whether she would birthday exist a very desirable wife to a homo in my situation, who naturally looks for happiness in the marriage state. If therefore she actually persists in rejecting my arrange, perhaps it were meliorate non to force her into accepting me, because if liable to such defects of temper, she could non contribute much to my felicity."
  "Sir, you quite misunderstand me," said Mrs. Bennet, alarmed. "Lizzy is just headstrong in such matters every bit these. In every matter else she is as good natured a girl as ever lived. I will go directly to Mr. Bennet, and we shall very soon settle it with her, I am sure."
  She would not give him time to reply, merely hurrying instantly to her hubby, called out every bit she entered the library,
  "Oh! Mr. Bennet, you lot are wanted immediately; we are all in an uproar. You must come and brand Lizzy ally Mr. Collins, for she vows she will not accept him, and if you exercise non brand haste he will change his listen and non accept her."
  Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and stock-still them on her face with a calm unconcern which was non in the least altered by her communication.
  "I take non the pleasure of understanding you," said he, when she had finished her speech. "Of what are y'all talking?"
  "Of Mr. Collins and Lizzy. Lizzy declares she volition not have Mr. Collins, and Mr. Collins begins to say that he volition not have Lizzy."
  "And what am I to practise on the occasion?  - Information technology seems an hopeless concern."
  "Speak to Lizzy about it yourself. Tell her that you lot insist upon her marrying him."
  "Allow her be called downward. She shall hear my opinion."
  Mrs. Bennet rang the bell, and Miss Elizabeth was summoned to the library.
  "Come hither, kid," cried her father as she appeared. "I have sent for you on an affair of importance. I understand that Mr. Collins has made you an offer of matrimony. Is it true?" Elizabeth replied that it was. "Very well  - and this offer of union you take refused?"
  "I have, Sir."
  "Very well. Nosotros now come up to the betoken. Your mother insists upon your accepting it. Is not it and then, Mrs. Bennet?"
  "Yep, or I will never run into her again."
  "An unhappy alternative is earlier you, Elizabeth. From this twenty-four hours y'all must be a stranger to one of your parents.  - Your mother will never see you once more if yous practise not  ally Mr. Collins, and I will never run into you again if you practice."
  Elizabeth could not but smile at such a determination of such a beginning; merely Mrs. Bennet, who had persuaded herself that her husband regarded the affair as she wished, was excessively disappointed.
  "What practise you hateful, Mr. Bennet, by talking in this fashion? You promised me to insist upon her marrying him."
  "My dear," replied her married man, "I have two pocket-sized favours to request. First, that yous will permit me the free utilize of my understanding on the nowadays occasion; and secondly, of my room. I shall be glad to accept the library to myself as soon equally may be."
  Non still, however, in spite of her disappointment in her married man, did Mrs. Bennet requite up the point. She talked to Elizabeth again and again; coaxed and threatened her by turns. She endeavoured to secure Jane in her involvement merely Jane with all possible mildness declined interfering;  - and Elizabeth, sometimes with existent earnestness and sometimes with playful gaiety, replied to her attacks. Though her manner varied, however, her determination never did.
  Mr. Collins, meanwhile, was meditating in solitude on what had passed. He thought too well of himself to comprehend on what motive his cousin could refuse him; and though his pride was hurt, he suffered in no other way. His regard for her was quite imaginary; and the possibility of her deserving her mother's reproach prevented his feeling any regret.
  While the family were in this confusion, Charlotte Lucas came to spend the day with them. She was met in the vestibule by Lydia, who, flying to her, cried in a half whisper, "I am glad yous are come, for there is such fun here!  - What do you lot think has happened this forenoon?  - Mr. Collins has fabricated an offer to Lizzy, and she will not accept him."
  Charlotte had hardly time to answer, before they were joined past Kitty, who came to tell the same news, and no sooner had they entered the breakfast-room, where Mrs. Bennet was alone, than she likewise began on the discipline, calling on Miss Lucas for her compassion, and entreating her to persuade her friend Lizzy to comply with the wishes of all her family. "Pray practice, my dear Miss Lucas," she added in a melancholy tone, "for nobody is on my side, nobody takes role with me, I am cruelly used, nobody feels for my poor nerves."
  Charlotte's reply was spared by the archway of Jane and Elizabeth.
  "Yes, in that location she comes," continued Mrs. Bennet, "looking as unconcerned every bit may be, and caring no more for united states of america than if nosotros were at York, provided she can have her own way.  - But I tell you what, Miss Lizzy, if y'all take it into your caput to go on refusing every offer of union in this style, you will never become a husband at all  - and I am sure I exercise not know who is to maintain you when your begetter is dead.  - I  shall non be able to proceed you  - and so I warn you.  - I have done with you from this very day.  - I told yous in the library, you know, that I should never speak to y'all again, and yous will find me as skilful as my discussion. I accept no pleasure in talking to undutiful children,  - Non that I have much pleasure indeed in talking to any body. People who suffer as I do from nervous complaints tin have no peachy inclination for talking. Nobody can tell what I suffer!  - But information technology is e'er then. Those who exercise not complain are never pitied."
  Her daughters listened in silence to this effusion, sensible that whatever effort to reason with or sooth her would merely increase the irritation. She talked on, therefore, without interruption from whatever of them till they were joined by Mr. Collins, who entered with an air more stately than usual, and on perceiving whom, she said to the girls,
  "At present, I do insist upon it, that you, all of you, hold your tongues, and let Mr. Collins and me accept a little chat together."
  Elizabeth passed quietly out of the room, Jane and Kitty followed, but Lydia stood her footing, adamant to hear all she could; and Charlotte, detained commencement by the civility of Mr. Collins, whose inquiries after herself and all her family were very minute, and then by a picayune curiosity, satisfied herself with walking to the window and pretending not to hear. In a doleful vocalism Mrs. Bennet thus began the projected conversation.  - "Oh! Mr. Collins!"  -
  "My dear Madam," replied he, "permit us be for ever silent on this point. Far be it from me," he presently continued, in a vocalism that marked his displeasure, "to resent the behaviour of your daughter. Resignation to inevitable evils is the duty of us all; the peculiar duty of a young homo who has been then fortunate as I have been in early preferment; and I trust I am resigned. Perhaps not the less so from feeling a dubiousness of my positive happiness had my fair cousin honoured me with her hand; for I have often observed that resignation is never so perfect equally when the approval denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. You will non, I hope, consider me every bit shewing any disrespect to your family, my dear Madam, by thus withdrawing my pretensions to your daughter's favour, without having paid yourself and Mr. Bennet the compliment of requesting you lot to interpose your say-so in my behalf. My conduct may, I fear, exist objectionable in having accepted my dismission from your daughter's lips instead of your own. But we are all liable to mistake. I accept certainly meant well through the whole affair. My object has been to secure an amiable companion for myself, with due consideration for the advantage of all your family, and if my style  has been at all reprehensible, I here beg leave to apologise."

Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice, Vol I


Affiliate XXI (21)

THE Discussion OF Mr. Collins's offer was at present nearly at an finish, and Elizabeth had only to endure from the uncomfortable feelings necessarily attention information technology, and occasionally from some peevish allusion of her female parent. Every bit for the admirer himself, his feelings were chiefly expressed, not by embarrassment or dejection, or by trying to avert her, but by stiffness of mode and resentful silence. He scarcely ever spoke to her, and the assiduous attentions which he had been so sensible of himself, were transferred for the remainder of the twenty-four hour period to Miss Lucas, whose civility in listening to him, was a seasonable relief to them all, and especially to her friend.
  The morrow produced no abatement of Mrs. Bennet's ill humour or ill health. Mr. Collins was also in the aforementioned state of angry pride. Elizabeth had hoped that his resentment might shorten his visit, but his plan did not appear in the least affected past it. He was always to have gone on Saturday, and to Sat he all the same meant to stay.
  After breakfast, the girls walked to Meryton, to enquire if Mr. Wickham were returned, and to complaining over his absenteeism from the Netherfield brawl. He joined them on their entering the town and attended them to their aunt'south, where his regret and vexation, and the business organization of every trunk was well talked over.  - To Elizabeth, however, he voluntarily acknowledged that the necessity of his absence had been cocky imposed.
  "I constitute," said he, "as the time drew near, that I had ameliorate not see Mr. Darcy;  - that to exist in the aforementioned room, the same political party with him for and then many hours together, might be more than than I could comport, and that scenes might ascend unpleasant to more than than myself."
  She highly canonical his forbearance, and they had leisure for a full word of it, and for all the commendation which they civilly bestowed on each other, equally Wickham and another officer walked back with them to Longbourn, and during the walk he particularly attended to her. His accompanying them was a double advantage; she felt all the compliment it offered to herself, and information technology was most adequate equally an occasion of introducing him to her father and female parent.
  Shortly after their return, a letter was delivered to Miss Bennet; it came from Netherfield, and was opened immediately. The envelope independent a sheet of elegant, fiddling, hot-pressed newspaper, well covered with a lady's fair, flowing manus; and Elizabeth saw her sister'south countenance change as she read it, and saw her domicile intently on some particular passages. Jane recollected herself presently, and putting the letter away, tried to join with her usual cheerfulness in the full general conversation; but Elizabeth felt an feet on the subject which drew off her attending even from Wickham; and no sooner had he and his companion taken leave, than a glance from Jane invited her to follow her up stairs. When they had gained their ain room, Jane taking out the letter, said,
  "This is from Caroline Bingley; what it contains, has surprised me a good deal. The whole party have left Netherfield by this time, and are on their way to town; and without whatsoever intention of coming back again. You lot shall hear what she says."
  She then read the first sentence aloud, which comprised the information of their having just resolved to follow their brother to town direct, and of their meaning to dine that solar day in Grosvenor street, where Mr. Hurst had a business firm. The next was in these words. "I practice non pretend to regret any thing I shall leave in Hertfordshire, except your society, my honey friend; but we will hope at some future menstruum, to savor many returns of the delightful intercourse we have known, and in the mean while may lessen the pain of separation by a very frequent and almost unreserved correspondence. I depend on you for that." To these high flown expressions, Elizabeth listened with all the insensibility of distrust; and though the suddenness of their removal surprised her, she saw cypher in it actually to lament; it was not to exist supposed that their absence from Netherfield would foreclose Mr. Bingley's being in that location; and equally to the loss of their society, she was persuaded that Jane must shortly cease to regard it, in the enjoyment of his.
  "It is unlucky," said she, afterwards a short break, "that you lot should non be able to see your friends before they leave the country. But may nosotros not promise that the menstruum of futurity happiness to which Miss Bingley looks forrard, may arrive before than she is aware, and that the delightful intercourse you have known every bit friends, will be renewed with nevertheless greater satisfaction equally sisters?  - Mr. Bingley volition not be detained in London by them."
  "Caroline decidedly says that none of the party will return into Hertfordshire this winter. I will read it to you lot  - "
  "When my brother left us yesterday, he imagined that the business which took him to London, might be concluded in 3 or four days, merely as we are sure information technology cannot be so, and at the aforementioned fourth dimension convinced that when Charles gets to boondocks he will be in no hurry to leave it again, we have adamant on following him thither, that he may not exist obliged to spend his vacant hours in a comfortless hotel. Many of my acquaintance are already there for the winter; I wish I could hear that you, my beloved friend, had whatever intention of making ane in the croud, only of that I despair. I sincerely hope your Christmas in Hertfordshire may grow in the gaieties which that season generally brings, and that your beaux will exist so numerous as to prevent your feeling the loss of the 3 of whom we shall deprive you."
  "Information technology is evident by this," added Jane, "that he comes back no more this winter."
  "Information technology is but evident that Miss Bingley does not mean he should."
  "Why volition yous retrieve so? It must be his own doing.  - He is his own principal. But you lot practice not know all. I will  read you lot the passage which specially hurts me. I will take no reserves from yous." "Mr. Darcy is impatient to come across his sis, and to confess the truth, we are scarcely less eager to come across her again. I really do not call up Georgiana Darcy has her equal for beauty, elegance, and accomplishments; and the affection she inspires in Louisa and myself is heightened into something still more than interesting, from the hope nosotros dare to entertain of her being hereafter our sis. I do non know whether I ever before mentioned to yous my feelings on this subject area, but I will not leave the country without confiding them, and I trust you will non esteem them unreasonable. My brother admires her greatly already, he will have frequent opportunity now of seeing her on the nearly intimate footing, her relations all wish the connection every bit much as his own, and a sister's partiality is non misleading me, I think, when I call Charles most capable of engaging any adult female's middle. With all these circumstances to favour an attachment and nothing to prevent it, am I wrong, my love Jane, in indulging the hope of an event which volition secure the happiness of and then many?"
  "What think you of this  judgement, my dear Lizzy?"  - said Jane as she finished information technology. "Is information technology not clear plenty?  - Does it not expressly declare that Caroline neither expects nor wishes me to be her sister; that she is perfectly convinced of her blood brother's indifference, and that if she suspects the nature of my feelings for him, she means (most kindly!) to put me on my guard? Tin there be any other opinion on the bailiwick?"
  "Yes, there can; for mine is totally different.  - Will you hear information technology?"
  "Most willingly."
  "You shall accept information technology in few words. Miss Bingley sees that her brother is in love with you, and wants him to marry Miss Darcy. She follows him to town in the promise of keeping him at that place, and tries to persuade you that he does not care about you."
  Jane shook her caput.
  "Indeed, Jane, you ought to believe me.  - No one who has ever seen y'all together, can dubiety his affection. Miss Bingley I am certain cannot. She is not such a simpleton. Could she accept seen half as much dearest in Mr. Darcy for herself, she would have ordered her wedding apparel. Just the case is this. We are non rich plenty, or grand enough for them; and she is the more anxious to go Miss Darcy for her brother, from the notion that when there has been one intermarriage, she may have less trouble in achieving a second; in which in that location is certainly some ingenuity, and I dare say it would succeed, if Miss de Bourgh were out of the mode. But, my beloved Jane, you cannot seriously imagine that because Miss Bingley tells you her brother greatly admires Miss Darcy, he is in the smallest degree less sensible of your  merit than when he took go out of you on Tuesday, or that information technology will be in her ability to persuade him that instead of existence in love with you, he is very much in love with her friend."
  "If we thought alike of Miss Bingley," replied Jane, "your representation of all this, might make me quite piece of cake. But I know the foundation is unjust. Caroline is incapable of wilfully deceiving any one; and all that I tin can hope in this example is, that she is deceived herself."
  "That is right.  - Yous could not have started a more than happy idea, since you will non take comfort in mine. Believe her to be deceived past all ways. You accept now washed your duty past her, and must fret no longer."
  "Just, my dear sister, tin can I exist happy, even supposing the all-time, in accepting a human being whose sisters and friends are all wishing him to marry elsewhere?"
  "Y'all must decide for yourself," said Elizabeth, "and if, upon mature deliberation, y'all find that the misery of disobliging his two sisters is more than equivalent to the happiness of beingness his wife, I advise you by all means to refuse him."
  "How can y'all talk so?"  - said Jane faintly smiling,  - "You must know that though I should exist exceedingly grieved at their disapprobation, I could not hesitate."
  "I did non think you would;  - and that being the case, I cannot consider your situation with much compassion."
  "But if he returns no more this wintertime, my pick will never exist required. A thousand things may ascend in six months!"
  The idea of his returning no more than Elizabeth treated with the utmost contempt. It appeared to her merely the suggestion of Caroline's interested wishes, and she could not for a moment suppose that those wishes, however openly or artfully spoken, could influence a young human so totally independent of every ane.
  She represented to her sister as forcibly equally possible what she felt on the bailiwick, and had shortly the pleasance of seeing its happy result. Jane'south temper was not desponding, and she was gradually led to hope, though the diffidence of affection sometimes overcame the hope, that Bingley would render to Netherfield and answer every wish of her eye.
  They agreed that Mrs. Bennet should only hear of the departure of the family, without being alarmed on the score of the admirer's conduct; but even this partial communication gave her a great deal of business concern, and she bewailed it as exceedingly unlucky that the ladies should happen to go away, but equally they were all getting so intimate together. After lamenting it however at some length, she had the consolation of thinking that Mr. Bingley would exist shortly down over again and soon dining at Longbourn, and the conclusion of all was the comfortable declaration that, though he had been invited simply to a family dinner, she would have care to have two full courses.


Source: https://art-bin.com/art/opride19x21.html

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