what did talhah ibn ubaydullah contribute to islam


Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA (Standard arabic: طلحة بن عبيدالله ‎) (594-656) was a companion of the Islamic Rasulullah . In Sunni Islam, mostly known for beingness of the Ten Promised Paradise. Best known for his roles in the Battle of Uhud and the Boxing of the Camel, in which he died, according to Sunnis he was given the title "The Generous" past Rasulullah .

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was born c.594, the son of Ubaydallah ibn Uthman of the Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe in Makkah. His female parent, Al-Saaba bint Abdullah, was from the Hadram tribe

He is described as a dark-skinned man with a lot of wavy hair, a handsome face and a narrow olfactory organ. Liked to wear saffron-dyed apparel and musk. He walked swiftly and, when nervous, he would toy with his ring, which was of golden and fix with a ruby.

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was a successful fabric-merchant who eventually left an estate estimated at 30 1000000 dirhams

In 612 his kinsman Abu Bakr took him to visit Rasulullah , and Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA became a Muslim. He was said to take been one of the beginning viii converts.[15}

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was one of the early reverts to Islam and amidst the x blest with the glad tidings of Paradise by Rasulullah . He was a wealthy businessman and used to travel to different places for merchandise and commerce. It was during one of his trips to Syria that he met a Christian monk who informed him about the coming of the last prophet, who according to the scriptures, would appear in the state of Arabia.

The news was interesting for Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA and soon after his return to Makkah he realized that the the story told past the monk was going to affect his life as on his return he learned that Rasulullah had started claiming himself as a Prophet and Abu Bakr As Sidique RA was by his side. He was then sure of the grapheme and honesty of both, Rasulullah and Abu Bakr Every bit Sidique RA, that later on having analyzed the whole situation he said to himself, "These ii people tin never exist partners in anything wrong or simulated." He immediately went to Abu Bakr (may Allah exist pleased with him) to ask about the veracity of the claims and then Abu Bakr took him to the Rasulullah , where he declared his faith and said the Shahadah.

The road ahead for Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA after his reversion to Islam was replete with hurdles, obstacles, persecution and violence. The Quraish were surprised and furious over his reversion and tried every possible way to make him turn back from the religion of Islam. The strongest resistance Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA faced was from his own female parent who went totally berserk afterward learning his son's reversion as she had hoped that he would one day get the leader of the community considering of his excellent and outstanding qualities and virtues.

Masud Ibn Kharash witnessed the sorry state of Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA and the brutal persecution he met with at the hands of Makkans and past his own mother. He reported that one day he was making saee (running) between Safa and Marwa and then there appeared a crowd pushing and shoving a swain with his hands tied at the back. At that place was an erstwhile woman in the crowd who lashed the young man repeatedly and hurled abuses at him. On being enquired information technology was known that the beau was Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA the old woman was his mother and such inhumane treatment was considering of the option he made by accepting the religion that Rasulullah brought. Still all the agonizing and os-spooky torture meted out to Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA made him fifty-fifty more resolute and stronger in his faith and made the Makkans utterly failed in their attempt (The story of Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA) has a question for all of u.s.a.: are nosotros willing to endure everything with a brave centre and sublime organized religion when faced with the same situation?). Even the dearest for his own female parent could non deviate and deter him from following the truth. With the passage of time, the relentless persecution became intensified and finally when it became extremely difficult to endure, Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA migrated to Abyssinia.

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was extremely generous and always looked for the means to please Allah. It was on the unlimited generosity of Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA that Rasulullah gave him the championship of "Talha of goodness and bounty" and "Talha of generosity." Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA used to support financially many of his relatives and friends and gave generously to the poor and destitute who cannot fend for themselves. Besides helping, he even disencumbered many with the loans they have incurred and released people from the shackles of debt. He even arranged for those who could non find the means to become married. Wealth which generally is a sense of satisfaction, avowal and pride for many was more of a crusade of distress for Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA.His wife narrated that i 24-hour interval he looked very disturbed and distressed. On being asked he replied that his riches and wealth is the cause of distress and said, "How tin a homo think of his Lord and Sustainer when he goes to slumber with his wealth in his house?" His married woman brash him to distribute and donate all his wealth to all the needy and the destitute. Past midnight he distributed everything he had and finally slept well with a light heart. One of the companions of Rasulullah said, "I accompanied Talha Ibn Obaidullah on journeys and stayed with him at home and I have not found anyone who was more than generous with money, with wearing apparel and with food than Talha."

Because he was sent for one of the missions outside Madinah, Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA missed the first battle fought for Islam, the Battle of Badr. On his return to Madinah he became upset with the opportunity he missed to fight alongside Rasulullah . However when he got the take a chance to partake in the second battle, the Battle of Uhud, he fought valiantly and proved his mettle in the battlefield as well. At Uhud, when the tables were turned against the Muslims and Rasulullah was dangerously exposed, it was Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA who came for the rescue of Rasulullah and repelled the Makkan fighters by fighting bravely. Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA supported and shielded Rasulullah with his left arm and valiantly wielded the sword by his right hand. The incident caused Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA more than seventy wounds over his torso which eventually made him unconscious. Thereafter Rasulullah said, "Whoever is pleased to run into a man still walking on globe who had completed his bridge (of life), let him wait at Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA." Abu Bakr As Sidique RA was very much pleased with the heroics Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA displayed at the Battle of Uhud and whenever after that there was a mention of Uhud, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say, "That mean solar day, that entire day, belonged to Talha."

During the persecution of the Muslims in 614-616, Nawfal ibn Khuwaylid tied Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA to Abu Bakr As Siddique RA and left them roped together. Nobody from the Taym clan came to help. Thereafter they were known as "the Two Tied Together".

In September 622 Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was bringing a caravan home from Syria when he met Rasulullah and Abu Bakr at al-Kharrar. They had escaped from Makkah and were emigrating to Madinah. Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA gave them some Syrian garments and mentioned that the Muslim community in Madinah had said that their Prophet was slow to arrive. Every bit Rasulullah and Abu Bakr continued to Madinah, Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA returned to Makkah to put his affairs in social club. Soon afterwards, he accompanied Abu Bakr'due south family to Madinah, where he settled.[ii]:164

At outset he lodged with As'advertizing ibn Zurarah, but after Rasulullah gave him a block of country on which he built his own house. He was made the brother in Islam of Sa'id ibn Zayd.[2]:165 Talhah and Sa'id missed fighting at the Battle of Badr because Rasulullah sent them as scouts to locate Abu Sufyan's caravan. However, both were awarded shares of the plunder, every bit if they had been present.[ii]:165

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA distinguished himself at the Battle of Uhud by keeping close to Rasulullah while well-nigh of the Muslim ground forces fled. He protected Rasulullah 's face from an pointer by taking the shot in his own hand, as a event of which two of his fingers were paralyzed. He was as well hit twice in the head, and it was said that he suffered a total of 75 wounds in the boxing.

Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA likewise fought at the Battle of the Trench "and all the battles with Allah's Messenger"

Ridda Wars

In the third week of July 632, Madinah faced an imminent invasion by the apostate forces of Tulayha, a self-proclaimed prophet. Abu Bakr as Siddique RA scraped together an ground forces mainly from the Hashim clan (Muhammad'due south), appointing Talhah, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Zubayr ibn al-Awam equally Commanders of 1-tertiary of the newly organised force each. However, they did not face any combat scenaria during the Ridda Wars.

Boxing of the Camel and Expiry

Tomb of Talha Bin Ubaidallah at Basra, Iraq

The Tomb of Talhah Ibn Ubaidullah RA, in Republic of iraq

The Battle of the Camel was fought betwixt Ali on one side and Aisha, Talhah and Zubayr on the other on 10 December 656. During the battle, Marwan ibn al-Hakam, who was fighting on the same side every bit Aisha, shot Talhah in the thigh. Marwan commented, "After this I volition never again seek a killer of Uthman." Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA hugged his horse and galloped off the battle-field. He lay down using a stone equally a pillow, while the auxiliaries tried to staunch the blood-menstruum. Whenever they stopped pressing, the haemorrhage resumed. In the end Talhah said, "Stop it. This is an arrow sent by God." He died of this injury, aged 64.[2]:170–171

According to a hadith, Rasulullah named Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA among the Ten Promised Paradise (Arabic: العشرة المبشرون بالجنة ; al-`Ashara al-Mubasharūn bi-50-Janna)

The tomb of Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA is located in Basra, Iraq. The tomb is located a large mosque with modern architecture. The grave itself is under the cenotaph under the dome, which is built in a similar way to the cenotaph of Anas Ibn Malik.

The mosque and tomb of Talha ibn Ubaydullah RA was detonated by Shia Muslim militants disguised as photographers. The militants planted bombs in the shrine, destroying the mosque and tomb.The tomb, which is under reconstruction, is still visited past Sunnis .

Credit:Kamran Shahid Ansari /


Source: http://sohabih.blogspot.com/2020/11/talha-ibn-ubaidullah-ra.html

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